CIDD Double Degree Scholarships 2023 – Call for Applications


The CIDD welcomes applications from students that are participating or have completed a double degree program during the 2022-2023 academic year. To be eligible, either the home or receiving institution must be a member of the CIDD. The applicant may be in any field and at any level. The amount for 1st place is 1000€, 2nd place is 750€, and 3rd, 4th or 5th places are 500€ each.

The deadline for the application is May 5, 2023. We will announce the winners during the General Assembly in June. Please send all the required documents, which are listed below, to the CIDD by emailing them to

Students, to apply for a double degree scholarship, please submit:

  • A completed application form, available below.
  • A letter of motivation in English indicating why we should consider you for this scholarship and what you will gain from completing a double degree? 500 words limit.
  • Letter of recommendation in English from either your home university or the receiving university confirming that you are enrolled and have a good GPA (Grade Point Average), and describing how you are performing in your studies.
  • Link to a 3-minute video in English about your double degree experience. Please explain how you benefited from the double degree and what were the main outcomes and experiences. The video should be clear and engaging. You are encouraged to be creative. Please upload the video to YouTube and make it publicly accessible.

You do NOT need to submit your transcripts.

The scholarship application form can be downloaded here: