Why join CIDD ?
CIDD is an International Community of practice where members share good practice and innovative approaches concerning Double Degrees and benefit from the following opportunities :
- Developing joint curriculums
- Networking activities
- Developing new international mobility programs
- Opportunities for faculty mobility and research collaborations as part of the framework of Double Degree programs
- Increasing competitiveness for your institution in terms of student recruitment
- Exchanging of good practice
- Enhancing international reputation of your institution
- Benefiting from the long term experience of CIDD members in developing international double degree programs
Upon admission into the Consortium, new members will have to opportunity to have one of the member schools as a “mentor” to guide them through the development of Double degree arrangements.
CIDD Statut Why Join the CIDD CIDD-Application-Package
Networking Opportunities
Annual General Assembly Meeting
- The CIDD Annual General Assembly meeting is held once a year at one of the member schools. The members come together at the General Assembly to discuss current and future CIDD activities, different collaboration project proposals, and participating in selecting new members as recommended by the Board.
- This is a great opportunity for members to meet and get to know each other to further discuss their collaboration projects between institutions.
- All member schools are invited to the General Assembly meeting.
Board Meetings
- Board meetings are held twice a year a member schools. The board members get together at this time to develop and propose further project developments and activities which should be discussed at the General Assembly meeting.
Task Force for collaboration projects
- Task force for different collaboration projects are formed during the General Assembly meeting to carry out different projects proposed during the General Assembly meeting.
Faculty Mobility Program
- Faculty Mobility program is created to further develop collaboration projects between member institutions and give the faculty from member schools to have experience teaching to a group of students with different cultural and traditional backgrounds as well to provide the students from member schools to gain knowledge from a different perspective.
How to become a member ?
Membership Criteria
Institutions are to :
- be recognised by public authorities and/or national accreditation agencies (respective Ministries of Higher Education)
- have a clear and coherent strategy towards internationalization
- have adequate resources in place to counsel internationally mobile students
- apply general quality standards for hiring teachers, evaluate teachers regularly and encourage their internationalization
Programs should :
- be appropriately and coherently designed to meet the needs of students and employers
- incorporate structured opportunities for students to gain experience of the international business world through placements, company based projects, case study analysis and visiting company speakers
- incorporate structured opportunities for students to study at least two semesters abroad
- define a set of requirements for students who apply for participation in a double-degree exchange
Application Process
Steps on how to apply for membership
- University business schools interested in joining the consortium are asked to send a letter of application to the :
- CIDD Board
10 Rue Sextius Michel
75015 Paris
- CIDD Board
- The Board makes a preliminary review and recommends a decision to the consortium’s Assembly.
- The CIDD Assembly formally affiliates the candidate school upon recommendation of the Board.
- The membership fee consists of an annual fee, currently EUR 500.00
Member Services
- Member profiles : Each member is able to log onto the member zone on the site and is able to upload and modify their institutional profile.
Download an Application